Strategic Alliances: Strengthening Ties and Creating Value

At ME Elecmetal, we view partnerships as opportunities to strengthen ties and continually create value with suppliers, partners, customers, and communities across our global operations. This approach enables us to build reliable communication channels with our stakeholders, particularly in the areas surrounding our plants, and to foster relationships that support mutual objectives on various scales. By engaging with communities and stakeholders, we aim to generate broader, more impactful initiatives of shared interest.

Our clients recognize that linking with other people, groups, and institutions enhances their own businesses, as it forms a crucial part of their value chain. This interaction fosters contacts and joint actions that amplify mutual benefits. Among other things, leverage is achieved in the following areas:

  • Greater understanding of regulatory frameworks
  • Deeper knowledge of the social and political environment
  • Resolution of various types of situations

ME Elecmetal is committed to sustainability, as demonstrated by our Value-Creation Connections Pillar. This pillar emphasizes our focus on the supply chain, which includes raw material and input suppliers, finished-product partners, customers, and communities. It states, “We work to make mining sustainable by creating value throughout our chain as one of our purposes, and innovation and collaboration are the essential principles to do so together with our main stakeholders.”

Having a strategic ally that not only provides comprehensive solutions to operational needs, but also understands and navigates the various connections from the environment to the chain and impact-receivers is crucial. Such an ally makes transparent, informed decisions collaboratively while mitigating risks and enhancing value.

“We are interested in actively participating in partnerships where we can generate value through collaborative work and address various emerging situations.”
Roberto Lecaros, Vice President of Marketing and Technical Development at ME Elecmetal


“Today, more than ever, Chile needs us as industrial, business, and mining associations. For this reason, we aim to be closer to society and demonstrate how we can contribute by providing employment and supporting the entire value chain.”
— Dominique Viera, President of APRIMIN.

ME Elecmetal South America 

In response to the February fires in Viña del Mar, Chile, which resulted in 135 deaths and affected 15,000 people through the destruction of homes, ME Elecmetal collaborated with the Asociación de Proveedores Industriales de la Minería (APRIMIN) and other associated institutions to help mitigate the situation. Contributions included providing machinery for debris removal, such as mini loaders and backhoes with operators, as well as food, transportation, and supplies.

As a result of this crisis, a Working Group was established, bringing together the Mining Ministry, the Chilean Chamber of Construction, and the National Mining Society (SONAMI). Later, the Ministry of Public Works (MOP), the National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin), and ProChile joined the group.

ME Elecmetal also actively participates in the Association of Metallurgy and Metalworking Industrialists (ASIMET) and the Society of Industrial Development (SOFOFA) through the Sustainability and Environment Committee, focusing on decarbonization and circular economy initiatives. Additionally, ME Elecmetal is involved with Pro-O’Higgins, an organization that unites various productive units in the O’Higgins Region for collaborative efforts in multiple areas.

ME Elecmetal North America 

In the United States, ME Elecmetal has forged various alliances to create value, akin to the support provided to the victims of the Viña del Mar fire. Here are some details of these partnerships:

  • Minnesota Chamber of Commerce: This collaboration aims to engage in governmental affairs within the state and participate in different initiatives through the Duluth facility. The alliance also addresses energy issues, with the plant manager serving as the chair of the Energy Policy Committee.
  • Better in Our Backyard (BIOBY): Located in Minnesota, Duluth, BIOBY promotes responsible economic development. Jeff Pederson, current Regional Sales Director for ME Elecmetal, sits on its board of directors. An event held this year included a visit to the Duluth facility, where ME Elecmetal’s contributions to the local and national steel mining industry were showcased.

Additionally, Twin Metals and Minnesota smelters have engaged with the Duluth Plant to learn about its safety success story and discuss compliance with environmental regulations.

ME Elecmetal China 

In China, ME Elecmetal has established partnerships with the following initiatives:

  • Internship program: Each year, training opportunities are offered to young individuals at Changzhou University, providing specific employment prospects for local graduates.
  • Benefit programs: ME Elecmetal sponsors an elementary school near its facility in artistic themes. Moreover, the “Family Day” event encourages participation from various organizations along with their families.


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